Deletion Log

The deletion log is the printable version of the duplicate records. Two different forms of the deletion log are available, the first being relatively short and compact, and the other form being significantly longer but therefore easier to read. In both forms, the output can be saved as different file types: besides PDF, you may also select HTML, Text, CSV, MHT, EXCEL, RichText (rtf) and graphics. Furthermore, in the above-mentioned file formats, the output can also be printed or sent as an attachment per email.


Results Log

The results log is the printable form of the summary of the matching results. The options to print, save and send as an email are similar to those of the deletion log.


Deleting in the Source Table

With all functions that are capable of deleting records, the results of the function can also be applied directly to the source table. The data records that are marked with a red cross in the manual post-editing are then deleted out of the source table.


Results File

All the records from the source table are saved in the results file according to the results of the function. In the case of matching results, this includes all records with all columns which were NOT deleted in the source table. With functions that merge data or change the contents of data fields, the results file includes all records with all columns of the source table and also the additional information or altered data fields. The format of the results file can be selected in the process, either as a CSV or Excel file.


Archive File

All records with all columns from the source table that would be deleted by the application of the results of a function are saved in the archive file. In the process, one can select whether the archive file should be saved as a CSV or Excel file. If a results file is also generated, then the results and the archive file contain together all the records from the source table.


Duplicates File

In the duplicates file, the results are saved in a separate file. In doing so, one can select whether the duplicates file should be saved as a CSV or Excel file. Based on this file, more advanced queries can be configured, e.g. in order to delete or transfer contact persons in a second table. The data can thereby be stored in two different forms. One option is a form where only the duplicates and address number of a single record is written in each row. In the other form, both the address number of the record to be deleted and that of the record to be maintained are saved in the row beside the duplicate number.


Flagging Records

The records that are recognised as being duplicates can also be flagged in the table, either with the duplicate number or with a simple deletion flag. Also here, this information can then be used to configure more advanced queries.


Processing Using a Stored Procedure

The results can also be further processed using a specific stored procedure in the database. Of course, this is only possible with database servers. Also here, this option can then be used to add further actions to the deletion process, such as for example a secondary deletion procedure or the transfer of information from the address that is to be deleted to the address that is to be maintained.


Enrichment in the Source Table

The results can also be used to transfer information from one table into another. The user can determine which data fields can be used for this purpose. For example, the data field that contains the telephone number can be entered as a source data field, and in the other table, a previously empty data field is designated as target data field, where the contents of the target data field can also be overwritten with data from the source table if necessary. If the target table is an Excel file, then either an existing target data field can be entered, or a new data field that is to still be created by the program. With all other data formats, the target data field has to already exist in the table. In other words, the results of the function establish a relationship between the individual records of both tables, which are then used to supplement information in certain data fields from one table into the other.


Results File Including Enrichment

„Results File Including Enrichment“ also functions quite similarly to „Enrichment in the Source Table“. However, the results are not rewritten to the source table; rather they are written to a new file.